Mareesburg Project

Mareesburg is an open-cut PGM project on a 2,129 ha area in the southern part of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex, in the Limpopo Province of South Africa.

The site of the De Hoop dam is in the process of being cleared for the erection of a massive 50 meter high and 3 kilometer long concrete dam wall. The dam will have a 60% allocation to platinum operations in the area

SRK Consulting Pty Ltd was appointed in 2017 to complete a feasibility study Mareesburg.

SRK has completed the drilling and geotechnical work and now awaits the finalization and completion of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) before being authorized to complete and finalize a feasibility study.

Eastplats is currently working to complete the Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) and other environmental studies and amendments.

Mareesburg Resources, as at December 2010

Mineral Resource Class Geo Loss Tonnes Grade 4E Contained 4E Base Metals
kt g/t Oz Cu Ni
Measured 8 940 5.26 1.51M 0.035% 0.082%
Indicated 6 950 2.19 0.49M 0.015% 0.056%
Grand Total 15 890 3.92 2.00M 0.026% 0.070%

Mareesburg Reserves, as at December 2010

Reserves Tonnes Grade 4E Contained 4E
kt g/t Oz
Probable 4 558 4.00 586 213
Grand Total 4 558 4 586 213